Tag Archives: Web

Web Development and Microsoft .NET Technology

In 2000, Microsoft announced its .NET software environment, a new addition to Windows. The .NET (“dot – net”) environment is effectively a “virtual computer” that runs on a real computer, with the advantage that any program written for it will run on any computer which is running .NET. One important aspect of the .NET strategy […]

Can Python Web Applications Be Tested Using Selenium?

Python is currently more popular than other modern programming languages. The interpreted and object-oriented programming language is also hugely popular among developers across the world as a strong server side scripting language. As Python enables developers to express concepts by writing less and readable code, it becomes easier for programmers to reduce the development time […]

Redirect Web Visitors By Country Using .NET Framework in C# or VB.NET

There are times when it is useful to redirect a visitor to different default web page based on the visitor’s country of origin. One practical usage is to redirect visitor to web page with the language recognized by the visitor. This article shows you how by using .NET component, it can be done. Let us […]